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2020 Version

“The Seed That Falls (Psalm 65)” is the responsorial psalm for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary time, cycle A.
This is a song praising God for creation — but also draws parallels between planting seeds and planting the word of God in our hearts.

The response goes: “The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.” 

The music sheet and download links are after the jump.

Download Links

This Google Drive Folder contains: 

  • MP3 audio file
  • PDF music sheet
  • Musescore file (.mscz)

Sing the response twice at the start. At the end, you may choose to sing it twice again, or simply once since the response is a bit on the long side.

Also, don’t forget to slow down as you end.

2011 Version

This is an earlier version of the same song. I only keep it here to show how a song can progress and improve over time. Please do not use this older version for liturgical use as the text is not accurate.

DOWNLOAD LINKS (2011 Version):
PDF of the music piece.
MuseScore file used to assemble the music piece.
MP3 file taken from the video.

I was trying to compose a responsorial psalm which could stand on its own as a communion or offertory song, therefore I wanted to to insert a stronger and longer melody into it. This is the result, which at times reminds me of “Shelter Me, O God” because of the long instrumental outro at the end of the response.

Prayer-ware Intention:
Feel free to use this music for all non-commercial purposes. I ask for no payments or donations. I do however ask that you please pray for an intention for each song you use. For this psalm, please pray for all those in a coma, especially for my friend Jerome Llama — that they might recover from their coma and be healed of ailments and that their families may have strength and comfort in the situation.

Final Word:
If this music is a blessing to you, feel free to spread the word. Join me on my Catholic music page on Facebook so you get the latest music pieces and videos.

Painting of the tree of life by edward coley burne-jones 1888

The Tree of Life by Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1888