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“Only In Your Presence” is a slow ballad done in a Renaissance style, in 4/4 time signature, and in the key of E minor (original key G minor). The melody is not suited for choral or congregational singing at all, therefore it could be used by a soloist as a reflection song or devotional.

Download links for music sheet below…


Chord Sheet in Lower Key (E Minor)

Story Behind the Song:
In 1991, I borrowed a bunch of classical tapes from friends which contained 14th century ballads and Renaissance songs done on lutes. I soaked in the music for a long time before coming up with the melody for this. And the melody truly did come first. The chords I tried to fit to the melody in my head. This song was basically composed on the piano. The words came last, borne out of a love for St. Augustine’s quote: “Restless is the heart until it comes to rest in you, O Lord.”

If you notice, the original music piece was done in G minor — a pitch I can no longer reach — so for recording this updated version, I lowered it to E minor and simplified the chords enough to be played on guitar.

Usage Notes:
The melody (and yes, even the harmony line) is quite difficult. (So difficult, I can’t even sing it properly.) Thus this song is not suited for choral or congregational singing at all, but could be used by a soloist or a vocal duet as a reflection song or a devotional song on themes such as yearning for God, repentance, finding peace in God, conversion, and the season of Lent.

F.B. (pg 102), No 3057, page 8. Scan by Brendan Riley on Flickr

F.B. (pg 102), No 3057, page 8. Scan by Brendan Riley on Flickr